Wednesday, March 18, 2009

NNL maxversion now includes Firefox 3.5 beta 4 "pre"

NNL's maxversion is now bumped up to include Firefox 3.5 b4pre (that is, nightly versions which will eventually become Firefox 3.5 beta 4, whenever that is released). This means you can install NNL with a nightly Firefox build -- although I'm only officially supporting official Firefox releases.

In case you missed it: Firefox 3.1 has been renumbered to Firefox 3.5. There will be no Firefox 3.1 -- it will be called Firefox 3.5 instead. Numbering on the betas will jump from 3.1 beta 3 directly to 3.5 beta 4. This will be followed by further betas of 3.5 (if there are any) and then 3.5 itself.


STS-119 left the launch pad right on time this past Sunday for a beautiful twilight launch. Discovery is now in orbit and docked with the space station.

After the launch, NASA announced the presence of a stowaway bat, riding the outside of the external tank, visible in pictures here. From the article:

Launch controllers spotted the bat after it had clawed onto the foam of the external tank as Discovery stood at Launch Pad 39A. The temperature never dropped below 60 degrees at that part of the tank, and infrared cameras showed that the bat was 70 degrees through launch.

... after which its temperature quickly rose above 3000 degrees F. Godspeed, little Launchbat.

1 comment:

  1. I really like your theme. Good job but I am not very fond of the pics, is there a way to remove them? especially the one on the download window! I dont mind the others, it just gets hard to read the file that you are downloading..
